Chef Taha Dinç

“If we are to make a choice for the nature, society, future and –mostly- for ourselves, let us make it “sourdough”…”

Chef Taha recognized his cuisine passion in Karapelit Village of Kütahya city when he was very young. Growing with culture of making bread well in wood bread trough, Chef Taha had his first professional culinary education at Bolu Mengen Cooks’ Anatolian High School. He enriched his cooking experience by apprenticing in many hotels to get his dream of being a pastry chef come true.

Growing in a family that emphasizes senses and emotions rather than rules in making bread, Chef Taha started making bread, which is his first passion, in his own workshop. His special interest to sourdough guided him to cooking sourdough breads by investigating various techniques from numerous sources. The small workshop became the first facility of education on sourdough bread in Turkey through taste, experience and knowledge. 

He was assigned as trainer chef in Culinary Arts Academy and executive chef of pastry department, which he specifies as milestones in his life, in 2015. He got to many bread lovers in line with his dreams, introduced his enriched bread experience to thousands of people and offered consulting service to tens of bakeries.

He also authored the book titled “Karakılçık (A type of wheat)” that aimed to have bread made under correct conditions and served to consumers and that represents a very comprehensive guidebook in Turkey.

Chef Taha crossed paths with Pardon Boulangerie in 2021 to demonstrate a very unique culinary experience. Chef Taha, who was completely inspired by sourdough, made best efforts to be innovative in each product and he continues creating a fantastic gastronomy experience and producing by always holding on traditional sourdough culture.