
There are numerous stories about sourdough that dates back to thousands of years. It is called lievito natural in Italy and masa madre in France. Although industrial production which is the result of fast paced life has made sourdough forgotten, it has been recalled as those who set their heart on this work have come into action and started to take part in our culinary culture with artisan flavors. Beyond anything, sourdough is an important part of healthy consumption and food culture.


Sourdough is formed by mixing the flour and water in a completely natural way.  Once you get the sustenance (flour), moist (water) and warmth (temperature) in the conditions necessary for the dough, all you need is time. The mixture activates within 48 to 72 hours on average. But this does not mean that you can prepare the bread at that moment.  When you consider it as a living being, it will respond to your requests. The maturation phase may took 1 week to 1 month. The yeast should be refreshed with flour and water (by adding flour and water into the dough) at certain intervals. This process can be continued for years. You should not assume that the older the yeast is, the better it tastes. The important point is to obtain an active yeast with regular refreshments. This process considerably defines the aroma and texture. It can be argued that the matured yeast brings different aromas.

Sourdough types, the products of a natural process, prevent the formation of harmful fungi in the dough. Sourdough types help the consumption of high carbohydrates that the flour has by nature during this quite slow fermentation process. Therefore, glycemic index is lowered and sudden elevation of blood glucose is slowed down. Acetic acid that forms after fermentation holds the moist and slows rancidness process down. Going through a fully natural process, the bread has an enhanced aroma, long shelf life and is easily digestible.

Sourdough bread is prepared with senses and emotions. Those who manage this process well are called “bread makers.”